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April 27, 2023

Power laws in small-angle scattering - part II

In the first part I showed that the SAXS intensity scattered by a platelet system goes like I(q)q2, at least in some intermediate (but as yet unspecified) q range. Here I will show that for thin rods this dependence becomes q1, I will then derive the terminal (Porod) behaviour q4 and briefly consider the transition between these two regimes. 

Rods: α = 1

For a rod, the Patterson function:
with the same notations as in part I.  Its Fourier transform, and thus the intensity, are then given by I(q)=˜P(q)=Cst(qx)Cst(qy)δ(qz). The "dual" object of a rod under Fourier transform is a platelet:
Fourier transform of a rod.

When spreading this intensity over reciprocal space we must keep in mind that the intersection of the plane with a sphere of constant q is a great circle (shown in red in the figure above). Thus, the total contribution 2πqI0 increases with q, but it must also be divided by the surface area of the sphere, yielding for the two spheres: I(q0)=2πq0I04πq20=I02q0andI(2q0)=4πq0I04π(2q0)2=I04q0

so that I(2q0)=I(q0)/2 and α=1

Interfaces: α = 4 (Porod)

This case is a bit more complicated, since P(r) diverges for all r. We will thus work with the density profile of an interface, which is invariant under x and y translations and is a Heaviside (step) function along z: ρ(r)=Cst(x)Cst(y)H(z)
The (quick and dirty) Fourier transform of H(z) is 1iqz, as one can see either by direct evaluation or by noting that the derivative of H(z) is the Dirac delta. It ensues that  |˜ρ(q)|2=δ(qx)δ(qy)qz2
As for the platelet in part I, the scattering is confined along a rod perpendicular to the interface, but its intensity, instead of being constant, decreases along its length. Further spreading this signal over the sphere adds an additional q2 factor, for a final q4 dependence.


Although both are infinitely extended in the plane, a single interface (Porod) and two interfaces very close together (thin plate) exhibit very different scattering laws. However, at high enough scattering vector, all objects reach the Porod regime. We will discuss this crossover for the case of a plate with finite thickness. The Fourier transform of this object along its normal is easily shown to be a cardinal sine, so that: |˜ρ(qz)|2=[sin(qza)qza]2. Close to the origin, ie. for qza1, this function is flat, hence the approximation Cst(qz) we used for the platelet in part I. At high q, on the other hand, it behaves as q2, yielding the Porod law. To put it differently, when the typical scale L=2π/q over which we observe the object is much larger than its thickness, we are in the "platelet" regime and do not resolve the two interfaces. When L2a, on the other hand, we only observe "one interface at a time", justifying the treatment above and thus the q4 law. This regime is "terminal" insofar there is no smaller typical length scale in the system, until that of the composing atoms or molecules.

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